
Egg Name and Description

Creamy Hollandaise Egg

This egg is spritely yellow, more than just pale cream as it gets drenched from apex to end in an even sameness of color. Sprinkled across the middle are mere specks of brighter color, dots of loud orange that reflect even in the pale yellow a loudness of color that is able to be seen even from the tiny flecks. Even along the sides of the egg, the color stays the same, where it looks like it might slide off and fall to the sands in a puddle of golden yellow liquid pooling about the shell.

Hatching Message

There's a sense of movement from the Creamy Hollandaise Egg, a rolling sensation as the hatchling inside struggles and the egg reflects that, wobbling back and forth across the dark sands. Once, twice it moves before finally all is still once more.

It is a faint splintering sort of noise, as the Creamy Hollandaise Egg starts to crack. The lines traverse the entirety of the egg, from the darker apex down to the more rounded end until the entire egg is covered in shattering lines and barely held together. One more push and it will go.

With one final shove, it's over and the Creamy Hollandaise Egg shatters into a dozen good sized shards to litter the sands and dumps out sodden wet bronze. With a flap of wet wings, he's off and charging at the line of candidates.

Hatchling Name and Description


Smoked Amber Flame Bronze Hatchling

Smoke touched, those embers burning high across the hide of this dark bronze dragon. Angularly narrow, his head balanced on a lean neck, soot collecting on his headknobs, then darkening sharply edged neckridges and spilling down his back to shadow bright burnished hide. Broad sloping shoulders that lead back to his barreled chest, the hide there flickered by ambers over the flame bright bronze. While heavily muscled haunches and sleek flanks are flecked in patches of bright bronze that are haphazardly marked, as it follows down to his overlong tail, with light following dark even to his spade. Sturdy lengthy legs, the hide there more soot touched than most, dark markings on his coloring as it reaches up from blackened talons and grasping feet to slip smoothly into the fire highlighted sheen of his body. Supple membrane creates his wings, no dark shading there as polished bronze reflects across his wingsails in a near uniformity of hue from his leading edges to trailing. Wingspars merely highlights on the shade, brighter in reflection to the wingsails that they support.

Impression Message

A faint thrumming noise enters your mind, not obtrusive, but definitely something that you would notice. It grows slowly louder, resolving into the sound of trudging feet, of mile after mile walked. The trudging slows, stops as a voice, travel worn and weary, but still a rumbling baritone enters your mind. « K'vyx? There you are. I was afraid I might have to keep going, but you're conveniently here. I am Xionth, and I am quite tired of all this walking. » A deep satisfaction, a communing of souls for a moment. « I'm not quite so tired though, that I wouldn't enjoy eating. »

Personality (RP tips)

From the very moment of his birth, your Xionth is seeking, working toward the goal of bettering himself. Even born with the advantages that he has, of color and size he has a constant, seeking and striving to reach the absolute pinnacle of success for a bronze. Too bad, in his mind if that's not what you want.

Xionth was born a bronze, and for him he's going to take every advantage that the class structure among dragons gives him. So he's not the largest bronze, but still it is his color that sires the next generation of dragons, his color that elevates his rider into the ranks of prospective leaders and he's going to do his darndest to have you there and ready for that task. Maybe you don't want to always be working, or commanded to study, once Xionth figures out what you need to focus on though, he'll have you there.

His drivenness is an oddity when he's a weyrling, but it smoothes out over the turns as both he and you grow older. Although it's a trait that is never going to go completely away, however muted it might become. Xionth doesn't have much interest in the deeper politics of pern, except as it might relate to him and his goal to one day be one of the preeminent bronzes on the planet. Then, if it deals with that, you're going to have a politically motivated bronze as well.

He can be a bit abrasive with those that he feels are lower than he is in the chain of command, or that do not measure up into the amount of importance that he places upon himself. It's not a complete meanness, so much as a lack of tact or sensitivity to others. As long as he's number one in his thoughts, there isn't so much caring for someone else.

As far as flights go, he is there for as many as he can possibly make. Unless of course, you have a complete antipathy toward the female dragon's rider, although if the gold happens to be part of the senior pair somewhere, expect that you're going to be often overridden on that facet, and he will be showing up.

If he doesn't catch, he tends toward despondency for as long as he remembers it, of course with his memory that lasts all of a day or so before the natural dragon optimism reasserts itself and it is next time that he will emerge as the victor. If he does win, well he's going to be very nearly over the moon so to speak, hounding the gold that he caught until she clutches and then making a nuisance of himself trying to help her as she broods.

This is not to say that he doesn't chase after the greens as well. He does, and does often although there is less of despondency there, if he does not win.


Tattered Silk

Terribly ambitious, it doesn't understand a laziness of soul, or of body. Definitely an overreacher, it struggles to take its rightful place in this world, from the very moment of its birth. Despite setbacks and delays it will always work on continuing, until it can reach the pinnacle of heights it only dreams about from its birth. Shadowy colors cloak its thoughts, dark navy, deep earthen browns, gingery yellows and splashes of sanguine red. Mental scents and feelings follow the path of earth, of blood and the smell of time and dust.

MT-1: brings a sense of time, of ancient history to its first pass and brush against your mind. Dusty dry browns and the feel of a time worn trail under your feet as you continue to walk, searching for ever and leaving on over the feel of everything else the hot coppery smell of blood.

MT-2: is a feeling of thick ginger, tart and peppery on the tongue and more than a bit sharp smelling. Still the overwhelming sense of dust and dryness, of faded heat that is gone just for the nonce and shall come again. Once more, into the effort of finding all that it searches for, for the goal just beyond reach.

MT-3: is the effort of the journey, always traveling on and leading away from the norm, into the unknown and away from all that is familiar. Do you find what you're looking for, in your travels or are you doomed to keep looking, to seek and never find in any place that you go?


Your dragon is based on Chang Ch'ien, the Chinese explorer who went east and founded the ancient silk road. He was a rarety in the ancient world, one of the few that has moved up from a peasant birth to an advisor and leader for an emperor. He volunteered for the post, when the emperor Wu-ti asked for someone to find the Yueh-chih, which the Han people had driven west, after taking over their lands. Wu-ti wanted the Yueh-chih to return and help him keep out the Xiongnu, which threatened China's lands now. Chang Ch'ien didn't succeed in bringing the Yueh-chih back, but what he did bring was probably more valuable. The horses from the Kokand tribe, the horses that sweated blood and fulfilled the prophecy of celestial horses for the Han people. Your Xionth's name comes from the people the emperor was trying to protect his lands from. His mindvoice is that of a smoky baritone, raspy from the long years of handling and using a pipe but still something that can command and order one down to business. It ranges on the deeper end and nearly always business like in speaking. Xionth's description is of the flame of a travel or camping lantern, smoky and slightly oily in color but a bright bronze orange for all of that.


Name Xionth
Dam Gold Dyreth
Sire Bronze Senrialth
Created By Bey
Impressee K'vyx
Telgar Weyr
PernWorld MUSH

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